"The Womb Isn't Safe Anymore"   You Tube video

When I think of the joy I have had with all of my children and grand children I can't imagine life without any one of them.  I am so thankful that my mother didn't decide to end my life early in the womb just because I wasn't expected and caused her and dad a major new responsibility probably at the worst possible time in their lives.  World War II was not the best time to be starting a family.  But then when is there ever a best time.  

During World War II  six million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazi regime.  Since Roe vs. Wade about ten times that many babies have been murdered in the womb.  We can't save those innocent victims of abortion.  Their lives are gone forever.  But we can save unborn lives in the future.  My prayer is that this song and video will do just that.

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